VAST 305 S091: Art + Text Studio

The purpose of this studio course is to offer a practice based learning environment with an Art & Text focus. It will provide a context and framework for students to learn about, and explore how text operates within contemporary visual culture, and within their own art practices. A core learning outcome is to examine current practices that engage with text in a number of ways; from text-as-image, to artworks that use the book form, to works that include text and employ alternative structures of distribution (libraries, online database projects, hypertext experiments, etc.) to sound and writing-based art practices. By working on independent text-based art projects, students will actively engage with text within their individual art practices, while considering the current discourse and production within the field.


Completion of 51 Credits

Course outline
A section outline in PDF format is available, but only to logged in users.
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Meeting Information: 
Date / Time Days Room Building
Jan 8-Apr 20