Paying Tuition for Degree Programs

Your tuition fees are based on your registration each semester; additional mandatory fees (ie. U-pass, student union, studio fees) are automatically included in your total.

After your registration is complete you can view your fees in myEC: Current Students→ View Account→ log in to Student Finance with myEC login info.

Domestic Students

In-person debit machine payments available during office hours.

Please pay via the options below and contact for further information.

Pay by online or telephone banking
Pay by cheque or money order

International Students

International students who have a Canadian bank account can submit payment via the options detailed above or via their home country's bank through PayMyTuition.

International students who do not have a Canadian bank account may pay tuition through PayMyTuition.

As of May 1, 2021, the option for international students to pay tuition by credit card through Self Service has been discontinued.

Pay online with PayMyTuition
Pay by wire transfer

Continuing Studies Students

Please visit the Continuing Studies | Registration Policies page for information on paying tuition for CS courses.

Important Notes

Past Due Accounts and Deregistration
Third Party Payments and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Tuition Fee Deferrals
Tuition Refunds