Show Your Pride at ECU!
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At ECU, we recognize the 2SLGBTQIA+ students, staff, and faculty who make our community flourish.
Emily Carr University of Art + Design (ECU) is dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive community, and in honour of Pride, we celebrate our 2SLGBTQIA+ students, staff, and faculty members.
As we salute our community, we acknowledge that Pride represents the ongoing movement for collective liberation and justice for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. In Canada, ‘Pride season’ runs from June to September, and Vancouver Pride takes place from July 26 to August 4.
In Canada, the early advocacy for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights was highlighted by the We Demand rally in August 1971. Participants from Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto presented a petition to the federal government with a 13-page document outlining ten demands for equal rights and protections. In August 1973, the Gay Alliance Toward Equality (GATE) hosted the inaugural Pride events in Vancouver, featuring a park picnic and an art exhibition. As we approach this year's Vancouver Pride, let's acknowledge the remarkable progress made so far and continue to support a community of inclusivity and respect for all.
To support your engagement and learning this Pride season, take a look through our stories on ECU artists that use queerness in their art practice, other resources and Pride events below:
Read ECU Stories
- Diyan Achjadi Slows Down the Act of Looking to Uncover the Movement of Knowledge—this story looks at Diyan Achjadi, Interim VP Academic + Provost, and their recent exhibitions within the community.
- Kathleen Gros Gives New Life to ‘Anne of Green Gables’ in Graphic Novel—this piece looks at Kathleen’s graphic novel retelling of the iconic Anne Shirley adventures through a modern and queer lens.
- Kirk Gower and the Romance of Painting—this piece discusses the points in Kirk’s practice where femininity and queerness collide to confront and challenge the viewer.
- The ‘Funny and Fearless’ Work of Sophia Zarders—this article showcases Sophia’s stunning and witty new book, You’re Funny For A…: The Illustrated Guide to Trans Comedians, Non-Binary Comics and Funny Women.
Reading + Watching
- The Library team has created a Reading Room on the upper floor of the library with books and materials celebrating queer lives, queer joy, and queer creatives. You can also review their 2SLGBTQQIA+ research guide with books, journals, recommended databases, and queer cinema to deepen your knowledge.
- Queer Events has put together a visual timeline of the history of Pride season in Canada, with the key milestones across the country and the political strides made by advocates and community pioneers.
- The NFB has an expansive library of films and documentaries that reflect the multitudes of 2SLGBTQI+ realities and experiences in Canada and abroad.
- The Really Gay History Walking Tour, led by queer historian Glenn Tkach showcases the vibrant history and cultural landmarks of Vancouver’s queer community. Sign up for a tour during Pride Week!
- July 26 - Aug 4: From workshops with queer elders to dance parties and the Pride Parade, there are plenty of events to check out for Vancouver Pride.
- Aug 3: soul stories [sweet summa pride 2024] will be a fun evening of music, poetry, and collective witnessing.