God Keep Our Land...


God Keep Our Land…—an art installation of PVC pipe, cut tree, reclaimed wood, paint and soil—begins with just four notes of the Canadian national anthem with the same lyrics as in the name. Reclaimed wood—with a musical score routered into the aged surface—hangs on the gallery wall with its grooves and indentations filed with soil. Immediately in front of the reclaimed wood, a pipe emerges from the floor and then bends horizontally, seemingly barging disrespectfully through a tree. The pipe appears broken—its contents spewed upon the gallery floor.

As the viewer enters the gallery space, red plastic ‘danger’ tape discourages one from taking a closer look at the ‘spill’ implying that it is not safe to proceed closer. A series of industrial electrical cords and lamps suggest that a response of some sort to the danger at hand has occurred.

God Keep Our Land…is meant to evoke questions regarding the oil industry or any other commercial endeavor that potentially endangers our land. The suggested lyric from the musical score establishes a plea—like that of a prayer.

“God keep our land”.


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