SWING baby carrier



                Do you know 75% of early childhood educators are experiencing physical discomfort? This physical discomfort can be caused from their work environment, age and, most importantly, the handling of babies. How can Swing help? All the baby carriers on the market are designed to be used by parents over longer period of time. Swing is specifically for educators. By adding a wider lower back support, a simplified adjustment strip and a safety lock, it allows for a lowered baby carrying position while providing an unobstructed view of the floor.

                Unlike parents, childhood educator, deal with up to four time as many infants at a time. Therefore, a lot of baby carrying and swapping is happening. Based on the needs of educator, Swing focused on short time baby carrying that happens in between playgrounds, diper change counters and feeding. It takes 10 to 30 seconds to fasten a baby in a regular carrier. However, Swing takes only five seconds due to its swapping function. Lowering the baby’s position to the center right or left gives educator, an improved field of vision. In addition, a large back support enables a better weight distribution throughout the entire back. Swing is the ideal solution for childhood educators and busy parents.

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