Electronic Wearables, Kids Jacket


The Kids Electronic Wearable Jacket is based around the concept that kids from ages three to seven should be given appropriate means to learn basic life values on their own, or with little assistance, rather than it being necessary for them to be taught directly from adults. The jacket will help kids to develop these understandings though various technologies such as touch sensors, LED lighting and music. The three values we considered are: the importance of exercise in a daily routine, the need to take care of oneself and the importance of expressing love to family and friends.

            Lego Mindstorms is the program used for this project, which has a user-friendly programming interface. The program allows sensory devices to be controlled by varying factors. Different factors involved for our project include temperature of the subject, hugs received by the user, and the movement of the wearer. For each factor, the jacket has a different response, outputting noise flashing lights and playing music.

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