
In my Mother's Absence (Axis of Light Group Exhibition)


This body of work encompasses a ten month photographic study of spaces that are in a state of transition, abandonment, or rebirth.  This work also coincides with the passing of my mother. In this way these images serve as a visual representation of this experience with parts one, two, and three expressing my states of being before, during, and after this trauma.

The traumatic experience of losing my mother has reshaped my physical and metaphysical approaches to the world, as well as my place within it. It has subtly redirected my photographic practice by presenting me with new subjects and ideas to explore. This work is a study of embodiment within the space left by my mother's absence.


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The Omen - II

The Omen - I



As a spiritual reference, The Omen is a work which surrounds the notion of life -- in respect to it's immediacy, impermanence, and fragility -- and death. Life, and the social obsession with youth, beauty, and immortality resonates within the piece as materialism exists on the very cusp between earth and water; whereas death looms ever present, hidden beneath heavily-layered fabrics still permeable to it's existence. The work implements both fashion and fine-art viewpoints to create a relevant and aesthetically coherent body. 

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