
Barking Mad with Jordan Benwick




Barking Mad is an interactive wearable; an urban survival coat that helps shy, stressed people deal with situations of urban overcrowding.  Proximity sensors respond to infringements on personal space with the sound of barking dogs.  The coat barks like a small poodle if the space infringement is not too severe, and like a rottweiler if someone gets too close.

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an other cosmos (genesis)


an other cosmos (genesis) is derived from a larger body of work concerning the presence of the past in the future. Drawing on research of Afrofuurism and science fiction, these images suggest the redeployment of imagery from the deep past in a long future.

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The Most Astounding Fact • Contemporary Wood Type Poster


Paying homage to the golden age of wood type, we had the opportunity of designing contemporary 17 in x 50 in wood type posters, in an Advanced Typography class with Peter Cocking. This poster features the awe-inspiring response given by astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, on The Most Astounding Fact.

The colour palette is inspired by interstellar tonalities, paired with a tilted gradient to allow for an atmospheric feel. As well, a stereo anaglyphic twist on certain letterforms for an added touch of visual contrast in type perception.

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Body Space



Body Space is a reflection on the space our bodies occupy. Posture and movement are impeded by fragile cloth barriers, vision is obscured by the textile ceiling. Relative to the spaces we interact with daily in the city, this space is hostile, even though the material is innocuous. Within Body Space our physical limitations are brought to the forefront, and we notice our own vulnerability.

Body Space was an installation on Granville Island in 2011.

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Node - Ideration 1


The first ideration of project 'Node'.   A study light made out of sugar - a sustainabily sourced product, to create a sustainably sourced (DIY) light for communal study/design spaces such as ECUAD.  The light runs with a Pomodoro Timer to help the user track and stay focused during study times (which the user sets for themeself)

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Vote BC - work for Elections BC


In Designing for Democracy, as a class we worked on creating an elections campaign for Elections BC.  This particular work was looking at the possibility of interactive pop out coaster with the fictional character of 'sasquatch' that one could pop out and put in their pocket and find at a later date and then remember the [environmental] context that sasquatch came from.

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AU Magazine


Publication design for a fictional magazine about the science of astronomy and its relation to other areas of interest, such as art, fashion and literature. The magazine was named AU, for astronomical units, a unit of measure in astronomy. This project combined two of my most passionate interests: print design and astronomy. The magazine is intended for youth and young adults, and tries to break conventions by incorporating a motif of diagonal lines throughout the publication. 

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The Pale Blue Dot


A large-scale poster (17" x 50") partially inspired by vintage woodcut posters. The poster contains an eclectic mix of typefaces, spelling out a famous excerpt from Cosmos by Carl Sagan, an astromoner and writer, and a personal hero of mine. The poster itself is dark blue, like the night sky, and the text is coloured in a gradient that goes from grey to blue to orange, like a sunset. The infamous "pale blue dot" is at the top of the poster, providing an early context for the viewer before they understand that the dot represents Earth. 

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In my Mother's Absence (Axis of Light Group Exhibition)


This body of work encompasses a ten month photographic study of spaces that are in a state of transition, abandonment, or rebirth.  This work also coincides with the passing of my mother. In this way these images serve as a visual representation of this experience with parts one, two, and three expressing my states of being before, during, and after this trauma.

The traumatic experience of losing my mother has reshaped my physical and metaphysical approaches to the world, as well as my place within it. It has subtly redirected my photographic practice by presenting me with new subjects and ideas to explore. This work is a study of embodiment within the space left by my mother's absence.


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Photograph for Design Photography outlining a personal or social concern. 

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