wearable technology

Barking Mad with Jordan Benwick




Barking Mad is an interactive wearable; an urban survival coat that helps shy, stressed people deal with situations of urban overcrowding.  Proximity sensors respond to infringements on personal space with the sound of barking dogs.  The coat barks like a small poodle if the space infringement is not too severe, and like a rottweiler if someone gets too close.

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Qora Smart Glove - Reconnecting Partners After a Stroke


Qora Smart Glove is system to reconnect partners who experience a stroke. We began this project by looking at how people learn about objects by grasping them. While you gain knowledge by looking at the object, and feeling the weight in your hand, there is a wealth of other information that is missing in this interaction. 

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Electric Skin



This wearable, responsive garment turns the intimate breath of the wearer into pulses of light. The inhalation and exhalation of the wearer activates a breath sensor that dims and brightens the printed LED of the garment.

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Effloresce: Interactive raincoat with embedded weather forecast technology


Inspired by the Vancouver rainy weather and S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder)victims, Effloresce is an interactive raincoat which has embedded weather forecast technology that predicts precipitation. When rain is predicted, blinking LED lights notify the user to wear the raincoat.

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