
Artist Book Redesign



Many students and visitors to Emily Carr University are unaware of the library's extensive collection of Artist Books.  These rare, beautiful and often expensive books are tucked away to protect them from moisture as well as theft.  We were tasked with coming up with an interactive way to make the library's Artist Book collection more engaging and accessible.  In response, we designed a large touchscreen surface that allowed simple navigation of high resolution representations of the entire catalogue while simultaneously showing you where each book was stored by activating a light on the appropriate drawer.

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CycloDiamond brings night safety to bicycles. Addressing the issue of lack of visibility in low light situations is my primary goal for this project. It is a bicycle vest with LED signals on the back to make cyclists more visible to other road users. Riding a bicycle at night can be dangerous since hand signals are not effective in the dark, and can lead to fatal accidents. Over 45% of bicycle related accidents occure during the night.

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The Meat Thermometer


The Meat Thermometer is a fertility-protection monitor for men.

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Qora Smart Glove - Reconnecting Partners After a Stroke


Qora Smart Glove is system to reconnect partners who experience a stroke. We began this project by looking at how people learn about objects by grasping them. While you gain knowledge by looking at the object, and feeling the weight in your hand, there is a wealth of other information that is missing in this interaction. 

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Rembrain is an electronic RFID memory aid that tells a person whether or not they have items like their keys as they walk out the door. Using sound, colour and images the device seeks to help those with short term memory loss function independently.

RFID tags are attached to the user's wallet, keys and phone. An RFID reader is activated when the door is opened and recognizes whether the tagged objects are on the user as they leave home. If an item is missing the user is notified.

Concept Video:

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Haptic Harness


The haptic harness grew out of an investigation into movement instruction. Our primary question was whether a person could learn to move entirely through haptic communication, or vibrations against the skin. We developed this as a conceptual project, and set ourselves the task of building a flexible harness that would easily place up to 16 haptic buzzers on any part of the body, in order the test the potential of our interface. Our final deliverable included:

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