assistive device

Spes- Assistive device design



I developed a hand tool for my friend born with deformed upper limbs to help her become a tattoo artist. An early prototype was developed using rapid prototyping.

Thios was a co-creational project in collaboration with GF strong Rehabilitation Centre in Vancouver, BC.

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1,2,3...Go! The Helping Handle


1,2,3… Go! is an interchangeable, dual-handle system designed to increase independence related to personal hygiene and other tool-use processes

+ My co-creator is a young adult living with Autism Spectrum Disorder which has affected his motor skills
+ After observational research, we identified bathing and hygene as an area of focus, requiring high levels of assistance from caregivers and minimal active participation by my co-creator 

+ Design an object specific to my co-creator’s needs
+ Increase active participation in hygiene routine
+ Measure increase in eye contact and user satisfaction

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FEATHERS - Functional Engagement in Assisted Therapy through Exercise Robotics


FEATHERS is a collaboration between Emily Carr and a group of engineers and researchers at UBC under the direction of Prof. Mike van der Loos. It is about using computer games as motivation to aid the upper-limb rehabilitation for adults who have suffered stroke and children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy where they have weakness in one side of their bodies.  I have developed a pair of bi-manual game controllers that will allow the these two disparate groups of users to play facebook games with both their hands and arms on the computer for therapy.

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Qora Smart Glove - Reconnecting Partners After a Stroke


Qora Smart Glove is system to reconnect partners who experience a stroke. We began this project by looking at how people learn about objects by grasping them. While you gain knowledge by looking at the object, and feeling the weight in your hand, there is a wealth of other information that is missing in this interaction. 

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