medical assistive device

FEATHERS - Functional Engagement in Assisted Therapy through Exercise Robotics


FEATHERS is a collaboration between Emily Carr and a group of engineers and researchers at UBC under the direction of Prof. Mike van der Loos. It is about using computer games as motivation to aid the upper-limb rehabilitation for adults who have suffered stroke and children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy where they have weakness in one side of their bodies.  I have developed a pair of bi-manual game controllers that will allow the these two disparate groups of users to play facebook games with both their hands and arms on the computer for therapy.

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Aquatic Propulsion device


Positive propulsion in desired direction
Minimum upward drag
Intuitive installation
Hydro dynamic

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Schleeder, the Soup Helper


This assistive medical device is designed to help people with limited arm strength (such as Muscular Dystrophy or ALS) enjoy a bowl of soup independently. The user’s hand is connected to the back of a chair through a belt. The simple forward and backward movement of the trunk activates the shoulder as a fulcrum to lift the hand to the user’s mouth.

Learn how to make your own Schleeder on Instructables

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