
Body Portraits


Body Portraits is a series of portaits that objectifies parts of the body instead of the whole.

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Body Space



Body Space is a reflection on the space our bodies occupy. Posture and movement are impeded by fragile cloth barriers, vision is obscured by the textile ceiling. Relative to the spaces we interact with daily in the city, this space is hostile, even though the material is innocuous. Within Body Space our physical limitations are brought to the forefront, and we notice our own vulnerability.

Body Space was an installation on Granville Island in 2011.

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LINK: An inflatable life vest for in-water sports


If you participate in a water sport where you are in, and sometimes under the water, you don’t have a viable life vest option. LINK is a performance life vest designed specifically for in-water activities that aims to increase life vest usage. 


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A study of movement and inhibition.

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Electric Skin



This wearable, responsive garment turns the intimate breath of the wearer into pulses of light. The inhalation and exhalation of the wearer activates a breath sensor that dims and brightens the printed LED of the garment.

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My Evil Twin, Mackenzie Gallery, 2009


My Evil Twin, Mackenzie Gallery, Regina. Curated by Timothy Long.

1.Counterpoint Series, set of seven, 30x40"

2.Maria + Merritt, 30x40"

3.Installation with Double Tripod Invertors

4.Double Tripod Invertors: Peep, Peep, Peep Goes the Birds, for Red Border Crossings. 10’x10’x5’.


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