
Barking Mad with Jordan Benwick




Barking Mad is an interactive wearable; an urban survival coat that helps shy, stressed people deal with situations of urban overcrowding.  Proximity sensors respond to infringements on personal space with the sound of barking dogs.  The coat barks like a small poodle if the space infringement is not too severe, and like a rottweiler if someone gets too close.

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Alchemy: Turn Junk into Gold!


This was a Special Project for Design Futures. For this assignment, I decided to take something that you wold normally throw away, and turn it into something that you could wear on your body.

The first part was to create clothing out of bubble wrap, and the second part was to design jewelry out of discarded cutlery. 

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"Cardstock Sandals"


       The aim of this project was to design footwear using only cardstock and PVA glue. Using the least amount of materials possible, the designer was expected to work efficiently and with innovation. Not only would the shoe or sandal need to be designed ergonomically with the user’s foot, but also with structural and strength considerations. Designers created cell-like structures to meet the mandatory thickness, and ultimately support their own weight.

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A research-based project done in collaboration with Lululemon Athletica and SafetyLab. This project focused on awareness of body position during the dynamic practice of yoga, and use as a teacher-learner tool in the studio. The contrasting strips of material on the shirt give clarity to angles and twists in the body during yoga, and design details such as the high collar and glove-like thumb holes help anchor the garment while being worn.

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Personal Space Garment


A project based on the concept of personal space, one of the four categories of spaces of proxemics introduced by anthropologist Edward T. Hall.

How can clothing reflect my own personal space? Sporting square shaped expandable mechanisms as the hood and both sleeves, this self-sewn garment strives to give physical form to my physical traits and personality.

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const int sensorMin = 550;      // sensor minimum, discovered through experiment
const int sensorMax = 800;    // sensor maximum, discovered through experiment
int ledPin = 10;    // LED connected to digital 10
int ledPinTwo = 9;    // LED connected to digital 9
int ledPinThree = 11;  //LED connected to digital 11
int vibePin = 13;                 // LED connected to digital pin 13

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication:
  pinMode(vibePin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output

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Electric Skin



This wearable, responsive garment turns the intimate breath of the wearer into pulses of light. The inhalation and exhalation of the wearer activates a breath sensor that dims and brightens the printed LED of the garment.

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The Sleeve Project



A collaborative piece with fellow design student Grey Vaisius, the goal for this project was to design a wearable, interactive device that takes input from the surrounding world and outputs some form of information. 

We chose to take a conceptual approach to this project, and design a shirt that takes information from the wearer (such as audio, temperature and touch) and outputs their mood based on the data collected.  

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