
Pixi Magazine



Pixi Magazine is a gaming magazine targeted towards women that aims to include them in the sometimes exclusive technology community. It uses bright and colourful visual language reminiscent of 8bit video games. The goal of Pixi is to make gaming and technology interesting and credible to female readers, and young professionals in general. View the iPad prototype here.

More photographs on my website.

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const int sensorMin = 550;      // sensor minimum, discovered through experiment
const int sensorMax = 800;    // sensor maximum, discovered through experiment
int ledPin = 10;    // LED connected to digital 10
int ledPinTwo = 9;    // LED connected to digital 9
int ledPinThree = 11;  //LED connected to digital 11
int vibePin = 13;                 // LED connected to digital pin 13

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication:
  pinMode(vibePin, OUTPUT);      // sets the digital pin as output

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Silent Participant



This work is my first piece to explore interactive wearable art.  three distence sensors are carefully embedded in flowers  on my dress. a lilypad arduino, a speaker, and batteries are  hidden on the back of the fan I hold and become invisible for the viewers. when the viewers use a microphone to close exame the body to search signal, sharp sounds will occur.

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Mobile Technology


CONCEPT  A wearable/mobile product emphasizing an aspect of man-machine interaction. DEVELOPMENT  This project was a team collaboration using the capabilities of Lego Mindstorms technology. The end result was a preliminary working prototype of an interactive blanket for children.

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Heart Monitor



CONCEPT  A wearable device designed specifically for individuals with heart conditions. DEVELOPMENT  A collaborative effort between myself and two others in which we concentrated on design iteration and storyboarding. Although the physical creation and product design was explored, it was not the main focus.

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