Undergraduate Courses

Types of courses

There are two categories of undergraduate courses at Emily Carr: studio based courses and critical studies courses.

Studio-based courses

Studio-based courses include a studio component, where you will engage in making.

Critical studies courses

Critical studies courses are classroom-based academic courses.

You must complete all first and second year critical studies requirements for your major before registering in third year critical studies courses.

Humanities, social science and science courses

  • Humanities courses include: philosophy, literature, classical studies and languages.
  • Social science courses include: psychology, anthropology, political science, sociology and women's studies.
  • Science courses include: biology, chemistry, earth science, wood science, physics, astronomy, oceanography and mathematics.

Course codes

Each course has a course code associated with it.

The format of the course code is: Subject - Course number - Section number - Course title (Synonym).

Each subject has subject code associated with it.

Course numbers relate to the level of the course.

  • 100-199 = First Year
  • 200-299 = Second Year
  • 300-399 = Third Year
  • 400-499 = Fourth Year

The section number differentiates each section of a course.

The letter tells you which term the course is scheduled for: F is for Fall term, S is for Spring term and SU is for Summer term. The number after the letter is specific to each class.

For example, AHIS-103-S001 Intro to Visual Culture (15375):

  • The subject code “AHIS” is short for Art History
  • The course number is 103.
  • This section is scheduled for the Spring term (S). The section number is 001. We call this “section one”.
  • The course title is “Intro to Visual Culture”
  • The synonym for this course is 15375. The synonym is only used for registration.

Other info

  • Online courses have section numbers in the 90s (e.g. S090)
  • Hybrid courses (courses that are taught online and on campus) have section numbers in the 30s (e.g. S030)
  • BFA-External courses have section numbers in the 40s (e.g. S040)

Online Courses

You can access your online course materials at courses.ecuad.ca.

Your username and password for online course access is the same as your ECU email. If you need help, contact IT Help.

Get help with registration

Need help from Academic Advising? Contact an advisor.

Need help with paying tuition or fees? Contact cashier@ecuad.ca.