Anastasia Djikia


  • 2012

    My graduating thesis project is to create a product that encourages lactating mothers to donate breast milk to Canadian Milk Banks. This product aims to raise awareness to the WHO set standards of the importance of breast milk, and take children, whose mothers who cannot lactate or provide their milk due to risk of infection, out of the Natal Intensive Care Unit.

    Last semester we created a system for donating human milk in British Columbia, while this year we are developing an...

  • 2011

    BC Children's hospital wished to have a more user friendly, easy to navigate and interactive hub website with a function of our choosing and its own branding. This website focused on the notion of building an online community between frequenters and visitors of BCCH. The Neighbourhood is an interpretation of a small town of options that helps ease parental concerns for their children.

  • 2011

    A Research paper co-written by Aska Djikia and Chiara Salini for Design Research and Methods in 2011.
