
  • 2014


    This is a new system of moving goods around the city of Vancouver by using the existing skytrain network as the primary means of transport. The container is the key to the entire system as it will be carried by the skytrain and received by secondary transport at various stations. These will be small electric and pedal powered vehicles which will pull and carry them to their final destinations. This system will run 100% free of fossil fuel dependence and will help Vancouver...

  • 2013

    This was a third year project where I collaborated with two other students, Charlotte Kennedy and Xiaolu Wu, to create a minimalist counter height stool from Western Maple, using the least amount of materials and no fasteners.

  • 2013

    This was a project where we had to design an Ipad Mini case that would be ideal for BLURR's market, which was targeted at the out door adventureist, mainly that of rock clibers.

    I designed this one to have the possibility of a shoulder starp to enable users to carry it with them when hiking or climbing.