
  • 2017

    This is the second piece in a series and follows the work entitled "Copy of Laocoon." Structurally a recto-verso diptych, the recto is a scribal process piece, a Derridian patricide of the logos through an eirley congruant redaction of two primary texts: Chapter 6 of The Four Fundamentals Concepts of Psycho-analysis and Chapter 9 of The Odyssey: The Blinding of Polyphemos respectively.  A third text, Plato's Pharmacy by Derrida is implicated through material...

  • 2015

    This illustrative painting questions the idea of “man-as-centre” by narrating a pathos-laden classical myth about a martyred satyr named Marsyas.

      In the myth, Marsyas finds a set of double pipes (Auloi) invented but cast aside by the goddess Athena who did not like the way the pipes disfigured her face when played. Enchanted by the sound and not too concerned with looking good, Marsyas takes up the pipes and becomes so accomplished a piper that he eventually...

  • 2011

    One of these paintings has been deconstructed both physically and critically and only a trace remains. One of these paintings has been edited to conceal offensive symbols of the libido.  One of these paintings has been sequestered to the corner of the studio and covered with a drape. One of these paintings no longer exists. It cannot be shown since it has not been documented and so in reality, virtual or otherwise, does not exist.  None of these paintings are in galleries or...

  • 2014

    “What sort of air do you breath in it?”

                The bag on a bagpipe must be filled with something or it would remain as silent as a supernova in the emptiness of space. Breath not ether fills the Great Highland Bagpipe.  The bag expands with the infusion of breath and contracts with a diffusion of sound. The bag acts as reservoir of wind containing the breath as a potential source of energy to activate the four pipes of...

  • 2017

    "Behind the Rennie Collection" and "Report a Problem."