Olivia Harrison



  • 2011

    As my first semester's senior project, my goal was to take a complex psychotherapy treatment, Core Belief Engineering, and present it in a way that made the practice accessible to new clients and practitioners. Through illustration and information architecture, the result was a comprehensive guide introducing the reader to the field of belief change therapy. 

    If you'd like to see the method to my madness, please...

  • 2011

    As promotion for the 2011 Alcuin awards,  the theme of book design had to be translated into two versions of a poster. One made for print and one optimized for an iphone.


  • 2011

    As my entry for a class run 'Pop-Up Museum of Typographie' I chose to direct my attention to the underappreciated typographic ligature. Through two specimen posters and a short collection of essays, my goal was to raise awareness about the ligature's role in typographic history, as well as their modern usage.