
  • 2013

    Sustainer is a collaborative project developed by myself and Industrial Design Student Andreas Eiken. Together they developed a reminder-based mobile application paired with a reusable food container aimed to help reduce waste caused by disposable to-go food containers. The application and container together overcome the barriers of people forgetting to bring their container, the container leaking, and the overall awkwardness of most to-go container designs. A main focus of the project lies...

  • 2013

    East Coast Beats is an infographic depicting the relationship the East Coast Beats had with one another. It is a revisualization of Steven Watson’s Sociogram of The Beats (East Coast) as drawn by Edward Fella with additions by Michele Fleming.

  • 2012

    Eat Street is a digital cookbook project I worked on over the summer along with fellow classmate, Amanda Wangen at Emily Carr University for the tv show, Eat St, through Invoke Media.

    Made using InDesign and Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, this app looks at the vendors of the featured food trucks from season 3 of the tv show and their unique recipes. We designed this book with Eat St.,'s fun and lively existing brand in mind and used interactivity...

  • 2012

    This is the third issue of Current, the design research journal of Emily Carr University of Art + Design. I worked primarily on the iPad version of the publication, but had a hand in the print design as well.

    Current is continually evolving exposition on the people and processes involved in design research. It is a platform for the cross-disciplinary, cross-sector professional communities of people with educational and professional interests in the currency of design thinking.


  • 2011

    Z-Rayed is a kinetic typography video made using a couple of my favourite Mitch Hedberg jokes. After Effects, Audition and Illustrator were the programs used to make the video.