interactive design

Wardrobe Rehab App


Wardrobe Rehab is an app for women from late teens to early 20’s who deal with an over clutter and consumption of clothes. This app enables the user to evaluate and rate their closet using the wardrobe feature, this allows the user to clearly visualize what they have. The user can also create and archive outfits, so they can discover new ensembles with existing clothing. All of the data is then complied into the style stat feature where the user can gain a deeper insight into their consumption habits. For unwanted or unused clothing the user has the option to giveaway clothes to friends or local residents with the swap feature.

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Every Event



After surveying different groups of people from a range of demographics it was quite evident that there is no one go to source for shows and events. Every Event is an App. which filters and finds a wide variety of event in the city and displays it through a legend of energetic colors. The interface design is very intuitive as lists are shown in a time chronology.

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The beta version of an interactive website that uses Twitter to locate topics of conversation. This is intended to be a trend analyser and research tool but - as you can see when using the live site - it still needs a lot of programming work. This was done as my fourth year thesis project.

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