




Buyvr is a mobile app that encourages Vancouverites to contribute more to their city’s local development by helping them easily find only local businesses and events, benefiting both users and the region.

The goal is to promote the support of local businesses and the idea of “local” itself through the product, which brings great impact to the local economy, community and environment. The project encourages both consumers and businesses to contribute to the growth of Vancouver.

Find out more about this project on

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Camp Grounds™


Camp Grounds™ is an app concept inspired by the rising needs of working professionals in decentralized office environments. Due to the rising cost of overhead and increased availability of collaborative online productivity tools, employee's are now often able to work remotely. Many choose to work from cafes or other kinds of coffee shops as they often have free wifi, and good ambiences, and can be sat it for extended periods of time (as opposed to restaurants). 

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Loop-up is a mobile app that provides remote support to people with chronic illnesses like Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis. Customizable menus enable users to track symptoms, medications and disease stressors to improve communication with healthcare professionals. Built-in reflection tools allow users to look back on the previous week's activities to find correlations and insights on how to better manage their health.

ECU news article on Loop-Up

[ Full view with process book...]

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education + design + interaction + technology

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Wardrobe Rehab App


Wardrobe Rehab is an app for women from late teens to early 20’s who deal with an over clutter and consumption of clothes. This app enables the user to evaluate and rate their closet using the wardrobe feature, this allows the user to clearly visualize what they have. The user can also create and archive outfits, so they can discover new ensembles with existing clothing. All of the data is then complied into the style stat feature where the user can gain a deeper insight into their consumption habits. For unwanted or unused clothing the user has the option to giveaway clothes to friends or local residents with the swap feature.

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Every Event



After surveying different groups of people from a range of demographics it was quite evident that there is no one go to source for shows and events. Every Event is an App. which filters and finds a wide variety of event in the city and displays it through a legend of energetic colors. The interface design is very intuitive as lists are shown in a time chronology.

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How Images Think- Next Generation Ebook



Using a co-creating process with Dr. Ron Burnett on his best-selling book “How Images Think”, we created a new reading experience that is far beyond a linear reading tradition.

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This ebook design is a group project in collaboration with the Museum of Vancouver to create an ebook for its exhibit that runs from May 5th, 2011 until January 1st, 2012.

Quoting Museum of Vancouver, "Bhangra is a Punjabi folk dance and music that combines lyrical couplets, a strong dhol drum beat, and flowing, graceful movements. What we call Bhangra dance today is really a collection of different folk dances that originated in the Punjab region of Pakistan and India."

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Electric Vehicle Charging Centre


People who use an electric vehicle frequently may need to charge throughout the day. This proposal combines a Level III Charging Centre with valet charging and a number of shops and services that augment the work (or relaxation) that you need to do in your day. The centre is complemented by an online booking platform called: Book30

Project created by Samuel Lee, Shokoofeh Ghasemi and Jacqueline Tollington.

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ReCite: A Location-based Application


ReCite is an application designed to deliver media content based on the users’ location- it provides the user with pleasant surprises as they go about their day.

From the Press Release:

“The application will showcase the work of prominent local cultural producers including Emily Carr University faculty and students, providing an opportunity for them to connect to a locally engaged public. ReCite will be a celebration of Vancouver, and other future cities’, arts and culture.”

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