
Glassy Vancouver


Glassy Vancouver was a third year typography project to brand the City of Vancouver. The assignment parameters involved creating a logo and using it on various print and online outlets. A branding book was also created to provide guidelines for appropriate logo usage.

The logo was inspired by the book “City of Glass” by Douglas Coupland. It is meant to emulate the look of the city as well as represent the many facets and diversity that is Vancouver. 

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AHF's Truth and Reconciliation Ebook



The Aboriginal Healing Foundation was looking for a new format to distribute their three volume Truth and Reconciliation series, as well as a contemporary new look. This is an mockup ebook design. 

Done in collaboration with Joyce Lam and Sarah Kozlowski.

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Electric Vehicle Charging Centre


People who use an electric vehicle frequently may need to charge throughout the day. This proposal combines a Level III Charging Centre with valet charging and a number of shops and services that augment the work (or relaxation) that you need to do in your day. The centre is complemented by an online booking platform called: Book30

Project created by Samuel Lee, Shokoofeh Ghasemi and Jacqueline Tollington.

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ReCite: A Location-based Application


ReCite is an application designed to deliver media content based on the users’ location- it provides the user with pleasant surprises as they go about their day.

From the Press Release:

“The application will showcase the work of prominent local cultural producers including Emily Carr University faculty and students, providing an opportunity for them to connect to a locally engaged public. ReCite will be a celebration of Vancouver, and other future cities’, arts and culture.”

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CanGuide Application Design


Canguide was developed while on Exchange at the HfG Scwäbisch Gmünd, with input from a number of Cancer survivors. It has a variety of features which allow patients to track information and manage tasks that are essential to their health, but are not directly part of their medical care. This includes tracking of pain severity and length, times and kinds of medication taken, tracking emotional state through a diary feature and managing the preparation of appropriate meals through the recipe feature.

Wireframes and concept sketching. Pages built with Fireworks and online prototype assembled with tutorial- html, css, php.


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