
CanGuide Application Design


Canguide was developed while on Exchange at the HfG Scwäbisch Gmünd, with input from a number of Cancer survivors. It has a variety of features which allow patients to track information and manage tasks that are essential to their health, but are not directly part of their medical care. This includes tracking of pain severity and length, times and kinds of medication taken, tracking emotional state through a diary feature and managing the preparation of appropriate meals through the recipe feature.

Wireframes and concept sketching. Pages built with Fireworks and online prototype assembled with tutorial- html, css, php.


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"Less is More" Soaps



This set of soaps remind the users about the significance of simplicity, particularly that of traditional soaps versus the complications that can be caused by conventional antibacterial soaps. Exploration of an unusual yet logical medium to convey such message was a consideration.

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