




Buyvr is a mobile app that encourages Vancouverites to contribute more to their city’s local development by helping them easily find only local businesses and events, benefiting both users and the region.

The goal is to promote the support of local businesses and the idea of “local” itself through the product, which brings great impact to the local economy, community and environment. The project encourages both consumers and businesses to contribute to the growth of Vancouver.

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Node - Ideration 2


The second ideration of Node, made with aircraft ply and fashioned so that the user can easily adjust the amount of light that is hitting their workspace by changing the tention of the pullcord coming out of the bottom of 'node'.

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Textile waste is currently the third largest contributor to the solid waste stream in Vancouver, amounting to more than 33,600 tonnes a year. In addition, most textiles that are thrown out still have a usable life—which indicates that there is a strong need to shift our thinking to accommodate the sustainable use of textiles in our daily lives.

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A smart custom designed furniture for Radio Emily.

MarkOnMe suggests transforming Radio Emily into the heart of music movement at Emily Carr, and creating the room as the landmark of the building as well. MarkOnMe creates an interesting intersection of creative art, and music movement of Radio Emily. The doodle boards that are embedded in the furniture are reversible drawing pads, which allow the users to unleash their visual creativity while being in the broadcasting environment. 

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