

This ebook design is a group project in collaboration with the Museum of Vancouver to create an ebook for its exhibit that runs from May 5th, 2011 until January 1st, 2012.

Quoting Museum of Vancouver, "Bhangra is a Punjabi folk dance and music that combines lyrical couplets, a strong dhol drum beat, and flowing, graceful movements. What we call Bhangra dance today is really a collection of different folk dances that originated in the Punjab region of Pakistan and India."

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This work explores the notion of cultural hybridity within technology and the social sphere, in particular with questions around the body and the state. Within the CAVE, Tulip Theory's intent is to explore a variety of constructions of poetic narratives using the video and audio signal within these 3D ephemeral virtual spaces, playing with "imbued" or subtle narratives which imply rather than tell a story, along with explorations where the narrative collapses, along with lateral narratives which tell multiple stories simultaneously.

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