
Camp Grounds™


Camp Grounds™ is an app concept inspired by the rising needs of working professionals in decentralized office environments. Due to the rising cost of overhead and increased availability of collaborative online productivity tools, employee's are now often able to work remotely. Many choose to work from cafes or other kinds of coffee shops as they often have free wifi, and good ambiences, and can be sat it for extended periods of time (as opposed to restaurants). 

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Design for democracy: provincial voting campaign



A smartphone application to let voters to set reminder of voting on their phones with pre-determined station instead hoping voters remember to vote on their own.

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Waldorf Hotel - iPad Concierge



UI, UX Design, Flash Mockup February, 2010 | The Waldorf Hotel, Vancouver BC
The Waldorf Hotel was looking for a way to educate visitors about the their epic history and seemingly endless venues filled with artwork, stories, events and culture. After the hotel underwent a major overhaul and reopening in 2010, they developed a brand and marketing strategy getting visitors to their social events, multiple restaurants and of course hotel rooms. Unfortunately it was impossible for visitors to take in the magnitude of information relating to the hotel in just one visit. 

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