folding chair



The Novus folding chair is a collaborative furniture project (with Jeremy Lee, Asheligh Beggs and Fan Yu) mentored by Christian Blyt and designed exclusively for 18 Karat, known for their line of luxury and modern furniture. Novus is made entirely of locally harvested larch and donated by Kalesnikoff; a family run lumber company in Nelson, BC. Our team’s dedication to sustainable behavior and innovative thinking expresses the design’s modern and unassuming appearance; with it unique folding attributes mimicking a preying animal to evoke surprise and bewilderment.


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"Untitled" Folding Chair


A group furniture third-year project instructed by Christian Blyt. Group member includes Vicki Chun Chen, Tara Co, and Joss Rectitude. 

The idea of making the chair a space saving object, that is also easy to assemble and fold, comfortable to sit on, can be used for both indoor and outdoor settings, foldable, and make it a permanent chair that can be used at home (instead of it’s usual purpose for convenience).


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OSSA is a collaborative project with Solveig Johannessen. The folding chair OSSA is an occasional dining chair designed for use both indoors and outdoors. It is constructed to evoke surprise and delight with an expressive folding motion through its center spine. OSSA is the Latin name for bones which tributes the fifty bone elements required for the spinal hinge and equally points to our inspiration of anatomy and Canadian wildlife such as venison or wild goats.

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