


The Novus folding chair is a collaborative furniture project (with Jeremy Lee, Asheligh Beggs and Fan Yu) mentored by Christian Blyt and designed exclusively for 18 Karat, known for their line of luxury and modern furniture. Novus is made entirely of locally harvested larch and donated by Kalesnikoff; a family run lumber company in Nelson, BC. Our team’s dedication to sustainable behavior and innovative thinking expresses the design’s modern and unassuming appearance; with it unique folding attributes mimicking a preying animal to evoke surprise and bewilderment.


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This collapsable chair was produced for 18 Karat, a local furniture boutique. Made from locally sourced wood species of Larch with my teamates Omar Qubain and Simona Hruskova. Part of the project was a trip into Nelson, meeting the people that plant, harvest and process our wood, to inform our design. 


Asetically we strove for movement, weightlessness created by square legs, echoed by the seat and the back.  

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AVIR is an indoor/outdoor folding chair designed collaboratively with 18 KARAT.

AVIR means 'air' in Hebrew.

AVIR is a very light, strong folding chair made with local species of Larch, and folds flat for storage. 


Designed by POPCORN DESIGN (Nick Ng, Michelle Tanner, Patrick Mcmanus, and Songhyun Kim)

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