pattern design



As part of a textile patterning class in my third year, we were assigned to design a blanket applying innovative patterning techniques to create a three dimensional effect on a flat surface. We were also called to draw inspiration from our environment and landscape.

Picnic is a blanket sewn  with an integrated table reminiscent of a tree stump. It reflects the tension of savoring moments of appreciation in our natural environment and the physical marks that we afflict on the same environment, be it permanent alterations such as removing trees or more ephemeral fluorescent markings placed to alert.

The concept emerged as a  synthesis inspired by our impromptu student picnics and visual interventions drawn from my local environment.


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Grade 12 Work

"LoouLost" Laptop Etching Pattern


Made the pattern myself and had it etched on my laptop!  ^.^ HiTech Tattos w00t!!!

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