
Physical and Virtual Texture


Physical and Virtual Texture builds connections between physical and virtual texture (the feel and look of surfaces). I used a digital camera to capture compelling textures from the environment. Next, wrote descriptive paragraphs about eacch of textures, focusing on the images' formal characteristics.


work#1: Wall of Aritzia, Pacific Centre Vancouver

work#2: Stair surface, Metrotown Skytrain Station

work#3: Sewer cap, somewhere in Burnaby

work#4: Bricks Road, Anhui China

work#5: Traditional Door, Xian China

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Bike Chain Tiles


Wall tile pattern abstractly based on a bicycle drive chain. If magnified, the imperfect worn surface can look quite complex and interesting. Thise tile set mimics that in its surface treatment and imperfection.

The hardest part for me as a designer was trying to not let myself be a perfectionist so I could achieve an authentic "worn" look.

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