sustainable furniture

Hexi Project: Playful Children's Furniture


This project was in collaboration with Adrien Guenette and Mina Ghani. Here, we designed childrens furniture for a daycare environment using a honeycomb cardboard product which made it both lightweight and sustainable. The half-hexagon hard and soft shapes can be used for standard seating or rearranged into an unlimited number of play environments like beds, forts, boats, cars, planes, trains or obstacle courses.


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The ecoLapdesk is made of birch veneer, salvaged wood, and lexan. Birch is chosen because it is locally grown in Vancouver, BC. The dark wood on the lid are scrap veneer that were found and taped together with veneer tape, then vacuum pressed. The ecoLapdesk is designed to have a long life expectancy and it's made for a wide range of users including: children who live in small spaces to adults who need storage area. Different functions include: a toy kit, lapdesk, laptop surface, shelf, and photoframe.
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a lovely chair



Still in the works, this project entitled "a lovely chair" is a two-semester long industrial design graduation project. The concept behind "a lovely chair" is simple, and so is it's function - it is a seat. As the name would suggest, everything about this chair is meant to be "lovely", from form, to function to experience, which means that every detail is carefully considered, from the types of wood joinery to materials chosen for the seat.

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