
  • 2011
  • 2010

    This advocacy campaign was designed for the environmental non-profit, the David Suzuki Foundation. 2010 marked the beginning of David Suzuki's 'Legacy Lecture'. A legacy is known as an amount of money or property left or passed onto to someone else. In order to align the campaign with the direction of the organization it focused on how David is passing on his legacy to younger generations so they can preserve his life's work.  He is the messenger transmitting his knowledge for everyone...

  • 2010

    Laundry basics haven’t changed over time but changes in technology today make them more important than ever to understand. The exchange of this knowledge is absent in today's society. A Tale of Two Seasons is a senior thesis project aimed at educating the everyday fashionista on how to care for their clothing. This book is a resource of knowledge intended to empower and give individuals who love clothing control over their condition. A Tale of Two Seasons presents a seasonal...

  • 2010

    A monograph designed to show people that the cameo is more than just a pretty piece of jewlery. This artform has a rich history and cameos are genuine works of art in and of themselves. The text came from the book: Cameos Old and New, second edition, by Anna M. Miler. The layout, typography and art direction of the publication displays a Victorian aesthetic and the notion that these objects exchange many hands, and have interesting layered histories.


  • 2009

    In 2009, I held the position of Editor for the innaugural issue of CURRENT Design Journal; a student run publication focusing on design research and process published by Emily Carr University. Editorial decides what articles make the cut, selecting correcting spelling and grammar, word count, and other modifications to get an article press ready. 

    In 2011, I currently hold the position of Chief Editor, for the second annual edition of CURRENT, the case studies issue.

  • 2009

    The Canadian Association of Fine Arts Deans (CAFAD) is a nationwide organization of forty-six post-secondary Fine Arts faculties, institutions and other academic units. Third year core design students at Emily Carr University were approached to re-design the organizations brand strategy and develop a new logo and web identity. The goal of my brand strategy was to infuse the association's web platform with the vibrancy, texture and varied elements that exist in art schools across Canada.

  • 2009

    The art direction for the Teen Magazine spread mock-up involved organizing models, lighting, staging props, food, and the final layout and design. Our feature concept was to create a 'party disaster' opening spread and use the remanding space to educate a tween about how to plan and organize to keep your sanity while planning a teen party.

  • 2008

    This poster series represents the type specimens Didot and Jenson. The third poster is a combination of the three faces required for use: Didot, Jenson, Clarendon. All three typefaces were used at once in order to make a statement about their relevance to the print industry for the past 375 years.

    12" x 18"