
  • 2011

    The Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) currently has an established identity. HHow can the identity and branding of a film festival be re-conceptualized in terms of deviating from traditional aesthetics and signifiers that connote a straight forward presence of the film industry?

    Although this project did not have any real practical application or implementation it does not mean the approach was not validated. On the contrary it proved a solid excersize in branding a film...

  • 2011

    While utilizing Processing (a programming program developed by MIT) and exporting Java applets, a series of programs were interconnected leading up to the final piece. They explor the interactive capabilities that can be utilized through Processing while simultaneously learning the coding language itself and how to make running, workable programs that could be intreging to the viewer.

    The first project entailed drawing an object (i.e. the reboot logo from the old tv show) and then...

  • 2011

    We were given the opportunity to re-design sample sections for the Applied Arts magazine. These included a cover, contents, department/column, editor’s page, feature, and portfolio pages. In conjunction with other post secondary schools a couple of selected students (unfortunately not mine) samples were carried forward of which the chosen designer was to help design the layout of an Applied Arts magazine. 

  • 2011

    The information within a boarding pass is not always upfront and readable. The hierarchical information is not always discerned by the viewer and this sometimes leads to confusion about a flight's particulars and even possibly leading to someone missing a flight. The goal of the project was to re-assess this information in order to create a unified form both digitally and in print that clearly displays the information within Air Canada's boarding passes.

  • 2011

    During the fall semester of 2011, I embarked on a "undergraduate" project for the term that aimed to create a communicative support system for online gamers. Gamers are currently hindered with communications across platforms and gaming mediums (consoles, pc, smart phone, etc.). As each developer, producer, etc. attempts to build their own community they seemingly forget that the gaming community does not retain to one console or game. Hence, as gamers move around and change games much of the...

  • 2010

    The conflict within our lives often presents a struggle between where we are and where we strive to be. Sometimes this can feel like quicksand as we sink deeper and deeper as we try to struggle free. Often we require the aid of those close to us or sometimes a stranger to help us break free. From a personal perspective, this sculpture aims to capture those moments of "quicksand".

  • 2010

    The Canadian postal system offer a wide range of stamps with varying unique designs. While celebrating different typographers, the goal of the project was to create a set of stamps and stamp sheets to reflect the chosen typographer and his/her history. In this case I chose to celebrate Baskerville, a Canadian used typeface that was brought to Canada by Benjamin Franklin.