Hayley Burns



  • 2011

    The Zodiac Herb Garden Kit is a first semester grad project. The kit ecourages gardening newbies to get involved in the urban agriculture movement by first growing a personalized indoor herb garden.

    A series of 12, each kit contains the seeds of herbs that have useful properties that are particularly affecting for people of specific star signs. For example, the kit featured here is The Libra Garden and contains Lemon Balm, Bergamot, and Thyme seeds.

    Each kit...

  • 2011

    This promotional piece was created for the nonprofit organization MOSAIC, who assist newcomers to Canada through various services. To fundraise and celebrate diversity, each year the organization hosts Festival Mosaic, a night of multicultural theater, dance and music. This interactive print piece illustates different traditional dance forms from around the world.

  • 2011

    A Typographic poster designed for the 2011 Alcuin Book Design Awards held at Emily Carr University.
