
  • 2013

    For many the appel of bicycle touring comes from the simplicity and independence of biking from one destination to the next. As cyclists tracel forward, constantly exploring new and unknown territory, they rely on a steady stream of information to find food, water, lodging and safe routes, all of which are vital to making a bike tour run smoothly. For many cyclists manu of these details are left uncertain due to the lack of specific information surrounding a route, town or region. ...

  • 2012

    Skins was created in a third year print production class. The aim of the project was create a self directed publication and bring it to print. I focused on content of the publication on virtual themes, specifically surrounding second life. I worked to create a strong virtual aethestic to highlight the uncanny relationship of a printed publication dealing with exclusive online content. The publication was designed in two formats, newspaper and poster.

  • 2011

    This project was done in 2011 for an advanced typography class. The objective of the project was to create a theoreticall rebranding for that years Vancouver International Film Festival. I focused on a theme of distortion to inform my brand and visual choices. The logo it's self was created by manually augmenting a print out of the logo by shifting it while it was being rescanned into the computer. After several attempts I was left with a wordmark that quickly became the backbone of my...