
  • 2013

    My area of interest for this project is urban agriculture. This year, I found an interest in gardening and started my own. I got a real satisfaction watching my produces grow. I noticed that community gardens are becoming more and more popular due to the high density of the city and the high cost of living. In my research, I found out that in 2006, the Vancouver City Council issued a challenge to establish more food producing gardens. At that time, the challenge was to have 2010 garden plots...

  • 2012

    A monograph about where coffee comes from, different methods of processing and different ways of preparing a cup of coffee and how to taste coffee.

  • 2012
  • 2012

    The design concept of my version of the Canadian Coat of Arms is inspired by contemporary and traditional symbols and iconography of Canada. Maple leaves are a distinct national symbol for Canada. The chain of maple leaves symbolizes­ the abundance forests in the Canadian land and as world leader in the sustainable forest management. The toque was a rally symbol during 1837-1839 Patriotes Rebellion. Now, it’s a symbol of freedom and the pursuit of liberty. It represents the Canadian...

  • 2011

    An infographic that shows the ideal month to eat certain food to promote local eating.

  • 2011