"Happy Plate" --- Healthy Eating and Happiness


Research on psychological and biological studies shows that adapting a healthy eating habit can help improve an individual’s emotional well-being. That means, having healthy eating habit can actually make people happier in their everyday life. There's a design opportunity to increase awareness of healthy eating benefits and to help maintain healthy eating habit, so that people know what to eat, how to eat, and where to eat. Next time when you are munching on some fries, ask yourself that if the fries can make you life happier, or it is just a temporary craving satifaction that might ruin your health.

Healthy food is expensive and doesn't taste good? Happy Plate is an iPhone App. that can help users by making them laugh at jokes and silly games. By targeting International Students who have different cultural backgrounds with low income and time limitation, Happy Plate can help users locate and identify of what they are eating, where they should eat, and how they should order their food.


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