ISMA 202 Spring 2012


16 Emily Carr Student Interaction Design Patches

Facial tracking, video games, visualizations, real-time internet audio streaming, motion detection, 3D object manipulation, spring physics models, game controller input, menu systems, interactive novels and more

These are projects from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design ISMA 202 Interaction + Social Medial Arts course for Spring 2012 term. All projects use Pure Data Extended and most run on Mac OS X. They could likely be modified with small changes to run on other platforms as well. The focus was on education so the patches are sometimes "works in progress" technically but should be very useful for others learning about PD and interaction design. As such, not all projects will run without issues and are simply provided "as is" for educational use.

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Instructor: Leonard J. Paul
Students: Aaron, Amanda, Andy, Brooks, Emily, Erim, Eunice, Graham, Ke, Kristine, Maryam, Melody, Sarah, Scott, Sebastian and Sinae

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