Ubuntu~ Sound Resonating Bench



‘Ubunto’- The Essence of being human and interconnected.

From the onset of this project, I have had one overarching goal; use form and sound to encourage interaction within a communal space.  Following hundred of iterations of forms, materials, dimensions and styles, I’ve come to the realization that ultimately, this project is less about the form and more about the experience, the feeling and the emotion that is created through the most primitive form of communication. 

Sound harnesses the ability to communicate celebration, movement, emotion and creativity.  But most importantly, sound holds the ability to unite.  To unite people, places and generations that have never met; To unite cultures and embrace diversity.

We live in a world where everything seems to be in constant contradiction.  Up vs. down, left vs. right, he vs. she, modern vs. contemporary, gas vs. electric, sustainability vs. manufacturability (etc.).  A world of competing complexities; many of which seeking to dominate the perspective of their counterparts, often neglecting to recognize the inherent beauty that lies in their differences.  Also neglecting to realize that the inclusion of one, too often means the exclusions of another.

So in essence, this project has become about contrast and unity.  Bringing two things together that don’t belong together. 

Bringing together furniture and an instrument, an old world craft and modern technologies, an exported material and an imported material.

~All in an effort to unite the young and old and shatter preconceived sociological and cultural barriers. 

To unite the users and celebrate life through the creation of sound.


This piece revolves around the sound and aesthetic of the ancient African Tongue Drum, which was used by indigenous tribes to communicate messages over long distances.  The sound board has been cut using laser cutting technologies.  The piece is intended for a large communal space or atrium area.

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