
"Fireflies" --- Musical Typography Poster



Typography can be highly emotive and evocative. It can be as lively as illustration or photography. Not only can it be used to present content with clarity and precision, it can also be used to express and interpret content.

This assignment is to combine both expressiveness and clarity of typographic design. By creating a poster that makes dynamic, expressive use of more than one typefaces to present and interpret the lyrics of a song.

About the Song:

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Ning Ning


"Ning Ning" is an interactive swarm of LEDs that reacts to both stillness and motion. Installed in a corridor or along a path, "Ning Ning" invites viewers to sit and stay a while, encouraging quietude by piquing the interest of passersby with dynamically choreographed LEDs masquerading as flirtatious lightning bugs.

Fireflies are magical. In some cultures they are thought to represent fallen stars or the souls of the deceased. As an indoor/outdoor installation, "Ning Ning" brings the magic of fireflies to both sides of the Rockies enchanting viewers as they walk by and inspiring them to embrace slowness and sparkle.

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