
Toy Motor Bike Concept


Part of a design challenge for making a realistic version of a Motor Bike for kids between ages 3 - 6. 

The program used for this 3D modeling was SoftImage and the final product was 3D printed in Polymer material.

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3D Rendering


For my first project in 3D rendering, I elected to create a life-size model with fully moving parts solely from pictures.

All intellectual property rights to Wall-e remain with Pixar Animation Studios.

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The project was to create mechanical movement/motion within Solidworks.  Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's flying machine, I set out to develop my own version of a rotary powered ornithopter. 

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“Releash” is an ergonomic leash that stabilizes the wrist in a natural position.
Through leverage Releash maximizes the strength and gives control back to dog owners, empowering especially older people to enjoy manʼs best friendʼs company.

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Bike Light

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