
The Clark Family



For my fall semester senior project, I chose to create a way of organizing and sharing family histories that is non-traditional, inventive and user-friendly. I used my own family's history for the project, but another family could easily be swapped in.

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Academy of BC Children's Hospital (A.B.C.H.)


The Academy of B.C. Children's Hospital (ABCH) is a group project in collaboration with B.C. Children's Hospital that involves building a new framework for their existing website.

The design problem is that there is a massive amount of information presented in a rather dry and static way, and we do acknowledge that a hospital website needs to be highly informative. How could we present this material in a manner that encourages the interaction of exchanging and receiving this health knowledge within and outside the website? During the process, we came up with the idea that people learn the most through teaching, when they're reiterating their knowledge to other people. The final outcome revolves around the idea of sharing.

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Communication is an essential part to make a healthy family; however, some families show lack of communication between family members due to their busy schedule. For a self-directed project, I made a box that contains three notebooks (for dad, mom and son). The notebooks are supposed to be filled with events and activities in each member’s life each day. This way, the family can keep track of what’s going on in the other members’ lives even when they can’t actually meet in person.


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Mom & Dad



My parents

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