
Magic Flipbook


This project transfers the function of a Magic 8 Ball into print. Ask a question, select one of three books, and flip for your answer. This book is handmade with stab-binding and slip case.

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"So stellar have Lauryn Hill's accomplishments been during her brief tenure as musical artist, one wonders what she can do to match all that's happened in her life so far."

Hiatus is a monograph on Hill's success and decade-long hiatus, with articles from various sources that documented her activities up-to-date. A flipbook.

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Animation - Flipbook Project : Rabbid Kills the Moon




A short animation where a Rabbid randomly hits the moon with his ear and freaks out... 3 times. (No sound, sorry, you can just make the trademark rabbid scream yourself) hand drawn, 100 frames, 12 frames per second, looped twice.

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