graduation project

Love And Science


For one of my grad projects, I wished to investigate the subject of love, in particular its relationship to science.

Love is a universal emotion that is often easy to experience yet extremely difficult to fully comprehend and explain. It’s complexity and ability to influence and control behaviour is beyond the rationality of the human mind. Love can be felt on numerous levels, ranging from generic pleasure to interpersonal attachment such as romantic love, sexual love, familial love, and platonic love.

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Grey Area


Grey Area
Fall 2010 Grad Project

Trying my hand at black and white photography did not impress me. I constantly fought the urge to capture the colours that captured me. I  went through countless rolls of film only to be disappointed when all that developed were shades of grey. Although I knew they would turn  out this way, and some were really quite beautiful, I was still disappointed. I longed to revisit the vivid colour that I remembered photographing.

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Ain't No Shame


Fall 2010 Fourth Year Grad Project.

A "How-To" publication that shows creatives how to create and maintain a marketable self-image upon entering professional life.

Going to try and upload this onto my server and make it available to erryone!

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