city living

Hanging Farm



Hanging Farms came out of an exploration, turning a hard everyday object into a soft one. Hanging Farms was extracted from an old watch, belonging to my grandmother. 


some themes that came became apparent through the process were continuation, decay, and new life

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Aging signage, young city: Vancouver in photographs and typography.

Excerpts from: bp nichol: Translating Translating Apollinaire: A Preliminary Report. Jack Haas: A Vancouver Hotel and an alternative lifestyle. Jordan Stanger-Ross: Municipal Colonialism in Vancouver: City Planning and the Conflict over Indian Reserves,1928—1950s.

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Urban: A modular seating system for modern living spaces



Living spaces are becoming smaller and more costly. The living room is the heart of the home and the couch is the biggest piece of furniture in the living room. This project provided opportunity to reconsider the functionality of a modern couch. The design intention is to create a seating system that can maximize usability in a limited space.

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