


Baseline™ is a window-mounted system that offers a unique way to hang dry your laundry in a densely-populated condo living environment. Positioned up and out of the way, it fully retracts when not in use. Featuring two window blinds, it fully obscures your clothing from any prying eyes outside or inside the appartment. It is unique from other drying racks both by it’s location within the home and the ease in which it can be installed. By leveraging existing sources of energy present in the window space, like solar, wind, and appartment heating, Baseline™ helps pave the way to a future of less energy consumption at home. 

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A Tale of Two Seasons


Laundry basics haven’t changed over time but changes in technology today make them more important than ever to understand. The exchange of this knowledge is absent in today's society. A Tale of Two Seasons is a senior thesis project aimed at educating the everyday fashionista on how to care for their clothing. This book is a resource of knowledge intended to empower and give individuals who love clothing control over their condition. A Tale of Two Seasons presents a seasonal outlook on clothing care, fabric knowledge, monthly tasks, stain removal, storage and seasonal transition tips.

If you are interested in learning more please visit my process blog: How to Care for Your Clothes,  linked to the right of this page.

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