
Nid Clock

Tovily Educational Clock


This project was directed at finding a simple yet effective and fun learning activity for children, specifically teaching for the 21st century. We thought that there was a large portion of people that are loosing their ability to tell time quickly on an analog clock, due to their growing comfort with looking at digital clocks. Our group felt that the sooner kids learn how to quickly tell time on both analog and digital clocks, the better. The result is a very friendly and simple toy that requires a time to be entered in either one of the clocks, and then the child has to enter the correct duplication on the other. This to us was a perfect solution since it also encourages participation of the adult in the learning process.

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"Cuckoo" Shelf Display


       This wall-mounted clock display is a modern take on the Bavarian cuckoo clocks of antiquity. Designed entirely with digital imaging software, each component of the display was automatically routed using a CNC machine. This mechanical precision allowed each part to fit perfectly with tension. The face of the display contains a circular hole, in which a German-designed Braun clock sits. If the face is removed from its hooks, the user is rewarded with three small shelves to hold personal items, such as watches or keys.     

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