wood product



Oblique is a floor lamp minimalistic in design and beautiful in its simplicity. Providing both ambient and task light by combining 3D printed parts and handcrafted beech components allowing light to be directed where it is needed.The project was in collaboration with a Danish furniture company, BoConcept.


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Starting out as a childrens toy quickly lead to another use when adults were user tested. Although children had a good building experience, it was when the Clictogons were turned into a wine rack that the full potential of the product was realised.

Using CNC machining for the production run Clictogons were easily manufactured on a large scale and for a very low cost.

Processes used were 5 axis CNC milling machine and a laser cutter.

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"Cuckoo" Shelf Display


       This wall-mounted clock display is a modern take on the Bavarian cuckoo clocks of antiquity. Designed entirely with digital imaging software, each component of the display was automatically routed using a CNC machine. This mechanical precision allowed each part to fit perfectly with tension. The face of the display contains a circular hole, in which a German-designed Braun clock sits. If the face is removed from its hooks, the user is rewarded with three small shelves to hold personal items, such as watches or keys.     

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